To meet up with Dario & Felix in Copenhagen I hit the road thumbing to Malmø with really no problems at all. I even thumb up a ride with a cabriolet. Yay!

In Malmø we stroll about the city center and enjoy the beautiful weather at the coastline. Try local tradition of snus! We grasp the dynamic atmopshere at a skater court and I try my climbing skills on a mock mountain. Then we sped over the Øresund Bridge to Copenhagen.

There a nice CouchSurfer accepted my desperate request at the last minute. We kick back with friends learning some useful and some less useful Danish phrases savourin a nice BBQ on the veranda. They give us really good advice for exploring Copenhagen.

First thing I want to tell you is that the city center is not that stunning. Yeah, there are some nice old buildings but they‘re spoilt with those all-over-the-world shops and restaurants which I don‘t want to mention here. So skip that part. Instead, go to multicultual Nørrebro. We play soccer with the kids on the central market place.

Second and even more must-see is Christiania, it‘s that independent, alternative, free love, do-it-on-your-own and happy-go-lucky heaven that is really rare around this planet.

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