In 2009 I went back to my second home: Malaysia – with Mina! It turned out, that the cheapest flight had a stop in India. So we decided to make it a two holidays discovering India‘s south as well.

Chennai is 100% India. We love the chaos in the streets, the smiles from the friendly people, the coulourful Sarees and savoured the vegetarian Tamil cuisine – which is by the way my fave! We explore some fascinating temples that had been carved into huge rocks.

Just having had a Nasi Lemak in the AirAsia-Airbus I touch Malaysian soil after a year of absence. Everything is as it once was: I love Malaysia. I am thrilled to see my siblings Danial, Yasmin & Sophia and Mummy & Daddy. We have loads of fun with my Malaysian family: Playing, jumping, running and ... eating Durain.

In Penang – the Asian ‘salad bowl‘ – we hang loose, go skydiving, go trecking and we meet up with Dario, Mama und Papa enjoying the diversity in Georgetown: From Masjid to Tom Yam Soup.

Jungle, beach, huge mountain – we try to make the most of action-packed Borneo. We take a glimpse of Orang-Utans in the Kinabatangan River area, touch the summit of 4100m Bukit Kinabalu and go snorkeling. Before heading back to mainland M‘sia we take a swim in the Hyatt entering unseen. Yay!

After some days shopping and strolling about malls in Kuala Lumpur we‘re back in India – firmly panicked by the swine flu. In Kerala we go on a splurge: A houseboat all for Mina and me in the romantic backwaters. Before dawn we wander about the ricefields and villages. A farmer hands us freshly tapped palm beer.

A wonderful trip full of adventures and people! Thanks to all CouchSurfers! Update: Craig & Dario hitch northern India.

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